Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Multimedia message

Everyone is constrained by the line. Thoughtless acts. =]

Monday, October 20, 2008

Multimedia message

They Wordle'd the library.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Multimedia message

Smart car convertible

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Multimedia message

Cute sign on Leavenworth by Filbert

Friday, September 12, 2008

Multimedia message

Fillmore & Post

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's sad to think that we give up on human decency because "if we don't, someone else will ..."

Monday, August 18, 2008

Multimedia message

Memo to self.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Multimedia message

I really like the pattern.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Multimedia message

I liked the styling of this pack. Design?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Multimedia message

Cool things in the foyer.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Multimedia message

This is Pretzel.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Multimedia message


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Multimedia message

Almost the end me the year.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Multimedia message

Spotted in the faculty parking lot.

movin' on yet again

No time to figure out the nuances of the crazy adorable layout ... so maybe I'll just switch back. However, I've decided that I've had enough of putting my life in all different sorts of places, so I've consolidated as much blogging as I possibly could into one new, easy-to-remember site. Here it is:


Blogger, you've been good to me, but it just feels like it's about time to move on. :) I need to be able to change and expand and explore. Well, perhaps you get my drift. Anyway, this site will be staying to house my mobile blogging adventures. I have to give blogger props for that feature. It's really easy to make mobile blogging happen.

Until the next scintillating photo or insight, ciao!

Monday, May 5, 2008

gli azzurri

For the most part, I believe they are tone deaf. They shouldn't quit their day jobs ...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

mi manca roma

Published: April 20, 2008
At night, the city is lit like a theater, and in the warmer months, it should be enjoyed like one.

I wish I were back there, but I figure, in time, I will be.


Published: April 30, 2008
A Torah that survived the fetid barracks of Auschwitz will be rededicated at an interfaith ceremony on Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Wow, this is my 100th post. I'm kind of impressed. So, here it is, photos from yesterday. It was at hot as summer, beautiful and bright. We went to the beach. Here's the short story.

Learning to take self-portraits

So tranquil looking ... just don't get sunburned

I never get tired of looking up the coast


There you have it. Don't you wish you were here? :)

Monday, April 28, 2008

le sigh

Shortest, cutest date ever.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Multimedia message

Another admit day.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

keys to accessorizing

- color
- texture
- print
- shine

Thank you Clinton! (I love What Not To Wear.)

Monday, March 24, 2008


I have a big head and little arms!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Multimedia message

Pig of dreams.

Monday, March 17, 2008

song of the moment

Right now, I'm finishing up reading for my exam. And I can't get enough of this song.

Jesca Hoop - Seed Of Wonder

I think she sounds a bit like Fiona Apple on this track, but she's got a really unique vibe. I cannot recommend this song highly enough, but take care to listen to the lyrics. Definitely not a brainless kind of song.

Friday, March 14, 2008


I was browsing through public transportation information, and I came across San Francisco's F-Market & Wharves, which I've ridden a few times. One of the most memorable was when I was young. I remember riding this particular model of streetcar with my dad. When we were riding, a man on the streetcar threw his briefcase out of the streetcar. He then proceeded to jump out. I suppose he was late. It was the most peculiar sight, as you can't jump out of most streetcars to begin with! Such is the beauty of a vintage streetcar. At least I think it was this one ... I suppose that's what I remember, and that the streetcar had to have been shaped like a boat. And seeing as a boat-shaped streetcar really would not fit on the streets of San Francisco ... well, you get the idea.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

crazy delicious

... I'm still procrastinating.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

when pokemon and politics collide

Possibly one of the funniest things I've seen all night. Go look. I promise it's worth it. More when I'm not freaking out due to stress. Give me a week or so.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I don't know why I love this video so much.

Anyway, this week looks to be stressful. I hope to jam through the rest of the projects I have to do. In a week, there are also final exams, so it's almost over! Holy crap!

And then ... D.C. and Boston! My new carrot at the end of the stick, besides yarn that I made my roommate hide. That's a whole 'nother subject. Really wondering whether I should just combine this blog and my knitting blog. Separating my life is horribly difficult, I think. That, and am I really that interesting? Then again, perhaps this one is just lots of inspiration and cool tidbits. Chi sa? (Who knows?)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

you were the music, and you were my love

I've been romping around broadway.com, and I've stumbled upon a number of lovely videos that I want to archive. For myself and for others, naturally.

Songwriters Hall of Fame Honors Sheik & Sater:
1 of 7: John Gallagher, Jr. - "All That's Known"
2 of 7: Lauren Pritchard, John Gallagher, Jr. & Duncan Sheik - "Mr. Chess"
3 of 7: Lauren Pritchard with John Gallagher, Jr. - "The Dark I Know Well"
4 of 7: John Gallagher, Jr & Lauren Pritchard - "Left Behind"
5 of 7: ?
6 of 7: ?
7 of 7: ?

I find it interesting that after leaving the show, JG gets to perform his character's funeral song in a mini-concert. Oh, and do watch "Mr. Chess" as it's interesting to hear others besides DS take on the material. Also, as they post the last three videos, I hope to add them to this little archive. I'm a nut. I know it. Here's more proof.

Modern Love: Spending Valentine's Day with the Cast of Spring Awakening
1 of 4: Romance
2 of 4: Firsts
3 of 4: Dos and Don'ts
4 of 4: Love on Broadway

Rent is closing on June 1! That makes me sad, but watching Anthony Rapp narrate the last commercial and give some commentary makes me sadder.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Multimedia message

Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

identity crisis?

Surfing the internet while attempting to study leads to all sorts of gems, and today, it happens to be Stuff White People Like. Don't get me wrong. Or, perhaps, if you're that shallow, do, but I am almost assured now that I am a white person. Heaven help us all.

I promise more birthday details later, although, alas, there were no photos taken. However, Lambrusco was imbibed, and it was good. :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

another year older

Originally uploaded by xeviharo
Happy Birthday to me ... I'm officially 22. I've been in college for almost 4 years. I have amazing friends and family. I'm so blessed. What more could I ask for. I'm as ... happy as a ladybug in a daisy? Perhaps I need a more accurate description. I'll write it after the day is through.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

be still my broadway-loving heart

John Gallagher, Jr. & Jonathan Groff. I'm a total fangirl right now. A fangirl who needs to compose herself. Okay ... I'm okay.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Castro is stepping down! I suppose I should have seen this coming ... so he's not dead after all!

My favorite quote from the Reuters article:
"Castro, 81, said in a statement to the country that he would not seek a new presidential term when the National Assembly meets on Feb. 24."

... I don't think there have been true elections in Cuba since Castro came to power. Oh well ... now we just get to deal with his brother, Raul, who is 76 to Fidel's 81. Wonder where he might be in 5 years? It's the last communist stronghold in the Western Hemisphere, but I've got to say, it's just not going to be the same without Fidel.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

love you more than anyone

Henna on back
Originally uploaded by greedus2
There are times when I doubt my purpose. I wonder why I'm in my major, why I'm here at UCSD, what I want out of life. And then it smacks me in the face. Multiple times in one day. I'm running into my friends everywhere, in the most unexpected ways.

First, in the library, catching up with a friend who I haven't been able to spend time with as much this year as the last. Next, a friend called me with concerns about another friend. I later got in contact with the concernee, and she got to share with me what was going on in her life. Follow that up with Bible Study, where I was proud of the study that resulted. I feel like the study leaders have learned a lot, and we're finally reaching the potential I felt we could. We're progressing, and I couldn't be happier. Finally, tonight, I left study late, after some rousing conversation and ran into a friend. She looked stoic at first, but it was more than I could have ever guessed ...

My friends are brave and strong. They are amazing and beautiful. I love them so much, and I am so blessed to have them in my life. I only hope I could be a fraction as inspirational to them as they are to me.

A little cliche, I know, but considering that I've been under a lot of stress this week, it has been a wonderful day.


The Gaze
Originally uploaded by Anna Pagnacco
I'm working on a project that focuses on the details of the everyday world. Right now, I'm having trouble focusing. Ironic, isn't it. I think I'm taking to finding photos on Flickr that suit my blogging moods. This is more fun. Beats being boring.

So I'm sitting in the library, and I have done some work, but right now, I've hit a rough spot. I'm not sure where to go, or what to right, so I've got to just analyze my data and step away. I might go to study tonight and see what we're up to, then I can go home and finish my analysis. This process is long. I knew I should have given myself more time. Hey ... at least it's still the day before the project is due. :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

ready or not ...

Originally uploaded by Dappers
This is how I feel right now ... well, sort of. Bright, but ready to smash my head against the wall.

Let's put it this way. "Winter quarter needs to shove off and die."

And yes, oh yes, I blogged two different photos in the span of five minutes. What can I say? I'm ignoring my studies and trolling Flickr.


lil monks
Originally uploaded by Sukanto Debnath
I love this photo, and I thought I would share it with whoever reads this blog ... I'm guessing that's not many people, but this is mostly for myself, anyway.

lightning struck

I hate that I perform well under pressure. Although, perhaps not, as I get by by the seat of my pants and I'm never sure why. I love my ideas in desperation, but perhaps I can incite desperation in advance. Yeah ... that would be nice. Anyway, not much time to type, just to say I'm not dead. Will write more later in the week.

Oh, and Happy Super Tuesday!

Monday, February 4, 2008

coming to terms

I'm stubborn, and I don't like change. I know it's inevitable, but I just like to dig in my heels and resist like mad. I guess I think it's easier to hold on to all of my bad habits and little lies to myself, rather than just giving it all up. I want to hold on to who I think I am, rather than embrace the person I could become. Or at least I think that's what's going on. My inner monologue has always been a bit confused.

Anyway, I'm just writing to spark some sort of creative process. I've got a paper due in seven hours, and while it's short, like most things, I want it to be good. This week is going to be hard, and I guess that's why I'm thinking there's no better time for change than now. What better time than when I'm stressed out within an inch of my life. Maybe change will help remedy all of the pressure that I'm feeling, both physically and mentally. Winter is my own personal hell. Time to make it work.

The List:
- Machiavelli Paper due 2/4
- Politics of Immigration Midterm 2/6
- Cognitive Ethnography Photo Project due 2/7
- Cognitive Ethnography Overdue Project ASAP

Sunday, February 3, 2008

he's following me!

Oh, Pachelbel ...

Oh, and if you dig Rob and all of his craziness, find more of him at his website. :)

a blast from the past

Think of it as an early, kitschy present for Super Tuesday.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

with the band

Adorable meme nabbed from fingersandtoes!

First you need a wikipedia random article . The article title is your band name.

Second, go here. The last four words of the last quotation on the page is your debut album title.

Thirdly, go here. The third picture on the page is your album cover.

Then you put it all together and post it on your blog!


Photo copyright Valarun. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/valarun/)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Multimedia message

Love it!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Multimedia message

You know it's bad when the line for the bus looks like this and two full buses have passed you by.

the road before us


This is a pattern ... me, on my floor, procrastinating on something I want to do and know that I can indeed do. I'm just ... stuck. I wonder whether I put myself into this situation, this was inevitable, or both. No matter. It's now the problem of digging myself out of this hole and not consuming an entire package of Saltines. I have forgotten how salty these things really are. I feel that if I were a snail or a slug, I would shrivel right up/implode just at the sight. Whoo!

Anyway, I suppose not much has changed since last year. Yes, I'm getting older, and perhaps I have some better idea of where I'm going, but the future still looms, yet it is a distant fantasy. It's like the side view mirrors of the car. Objects are closer than they appear. So here I am, laptop in lap, really, typing away toward my future. The road is endless, but but I'm in need of a rest stop, and I'm not sure where that next exit will take me. At least, I think, I have over a year to figure this out. I really think that this whole double-major thing is a procrastination tactic. Story of my life, eh? At least I cop to it.