Thursday, March 29, 2007

counting asians

Today, as I walked up Grant Ave. toward Columbus (mind you, I was a ways away), I walked through the "gated" entrance to Chinatown. A bit after I entered, I noticed some boys all wearing matching shirts. I then proceeded to walk past a group of them as one declared loudly, "That's the fourth Asian person I've seen so far!" I blanched and continued walking up the hill. The boy must not have made it to Stockton St. or something. Whatever. Race isn't really evident until you make a big deal about it. It's like getting asked if I was "giapponese" all of the time in Rome. It got even better when I heard "sayonara" or "arigato." I really kinda wanted to punch people, but I restrained myself and moved on with my life. That's what it is ... evidence that people can't move past ethnicity. Not that we shouldn't be proud of who we are; our ethnicity, just like our sexual preference or our gender. We are all these things, but I am Amy, and you are exactly who you are, not just some ... let's say, homosexual white male. Just throwing that out there. Don't worry. I'm a heterosexual Asian female, but I go by the name of Amy, so call me that, not "Asian" or "hey you" or whatever. I kinda like my name.

Monday, March 26, 2007

all things must have a beginning ...

I realized how much I missed this, this blogging thing. I'm not expecting much this time. If people want to read this, I'm thrilled. If nobody stops by, that's all right, too. This will be my space, I hope. I want to be myself here ... well, sans knitting, which is over at Knits from the City, my knitblog. I figure that this'll be fun, since I haven't used LJ in, well, almost forever.

Anyway, if you're out there, I hope you enjoy!