Tuesday, January 15, 2008

the road before us


This is a pattern ... me, on my floor, procrastinating on something I want to do and know that I can indeed do. I'm just ... stuck. I wonder whether I put myself into this situation, this was inevitable, or both. No matter. It's now the problem of digging myself out of this hole and not consuming an entire package of Saltines. I have forgotten how salty these things really are. I feel that if I were a snail or a slug, I would shrivel right up/implode just at the sight. Whoo!

Anyway, I suppose not much has changed since last year. Yes, I'm getting older, and perhaps I have some better idea of where I'm going, but the future still looms, yet it is a distant fantasy. It's like the side view mirrors of the car. Objects are closer than they appear. So here I am, laptop in lap, really, typing away toward my future. The road is endless, but but I'm in need of a rest stop, and I'm not sure where that next exit will take me. At least, I think, I have over a year to figure this out. I really think that this whole double-major thing is a procrastination tactic. Story of my life, eh? At least I cop to it.


  1. Peter said...

    classy writing, classy picture