Monday, December 31, 2007

this anticipation

As 2007 comes to a close, I'm not sure what to say. This year has been amazing. It's been full of challenges, joys, and sorrows. I can only hope that 2008 exceeds this. See you in the new year, with better entries, crazier adventures, and more love.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

what do you mean 'christmas'?!

Hi all, and a very Merry (Late) Christmas. This month is definitely a little tired, and I'm not sure what to say ... it's been a great year, and perhaps, when I'm more articulate, I'll be able to write what I want to say.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

This cruise was brought to you by Trader Sam's Cannibal Cafe, where we're always looking for new ways to serve you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

a tribute to things that never were

This song is amazingly haunting. Enjoy.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

let's never stop falling in love


The world won't stop changing, and I can't blame it. I'd rather have it keep moving and keep going, and yeah, I don't want to stop. I desperately wish I could still be in Rome, but if I were, my life would have changed in such different ways. I wouldn't have gotten a job, I wouldn't have gone to New York, I wouldn't have lived with Kimi, and I certainly wouldn't be the same person. All of the challenges that life has put before me have been worth the struggle. Everything I am is a product of who I was. Everything I will become is all part of who I am now. Life is like a game of Jenga -- you keep building upwards with what you've already got and you pray for balance.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm back to having no idea of what I want from life.

Monday, November 19, 2007

I balk, because this major has made me work harder than I ever thought I would. I will say it though. Thus far, it has been worth it.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

whoa ...

Timothy Daniel is just unbelievably talented. The way he sings the word "California" strikes me with Wonderment every time. (That's his newest album, if you didn't get the point. It's amazing. :) Check it out!

Watch live video from timothydaniel on

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Please note that I cracked 4 eggs. There were twins!

Friday, November 16, 2007

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"In five minutes, I can prove to you that God created the heavens and the earth, and that Jesus Christ can save your soul."

There are the kind of people who make me almost embarrassed to be Christian.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Life is complex. We have our interests, and others have theirs. Sometimes, they work in harmony, and sometimes they conflict like nobody's business. I wonder if I make poor judgments about my own interests as they pertain to others. I'm overzealous, and I don't think things through. It's a fault, really.

I am dealing with far too much right now. All I really want is an even playing field, but all I see right now is an uphill climb.

full stop

It's official. I have no desire to be awake this early in the morning. I know I should take the time to be productive, seeing as I've got to haul myself onto a few buses, and I might as well use the time wisely, but all I'd like to do is procrastinate. It's only the tiniest bit ironic. Time is just flying by. Today, Thursday, I've got to finish a lab and study for a quiz (with exam on Monday). I also ought to at least draft up part of a paper for Tuesday. I need to do laundry. I need to pack for Thanksgiving. Frankly, I will give thanks when Tuesday is over, because that means that I can breathe again. I guess I will go to work on Monday afternoon, seeing as I'd like to grovel for Wednesday off to go home early. I have no idea what will happen, but it's getting late, and I need to shove myself out of the house before I'm late. It's a situation that's happened far too ofrwn.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Multimedia message

If you rush, you can get a surprising amount me things done. Like getting a Jamba juice and a pretzel in time to catch your bus.

Monday, October 29, 2007

the little things!

Whoa ... I won this contest over at I AM FUEL, YOU ARE FRIENDS (which is a rockin' music blog, by the way), and I'm getting a copy of the soundtrack for the new Bob Dylan biopic, I'm Not There. Excuse the linking and all, but essentially, I won myself a CD of Dylan covers, and I'm thrilled. Dude ... I never win anything ... right?

Along with that, bare: the album is releasing tomorrow! (See previous posts.) Thrilled yet again. :) It's all well and good ... except I have no idea how much it costs.

And, to top it all off, I'm trying to work on a draft of a paper, to review tomorrow and to turn in on Thursday. I also have a test. So I'm going to see the professor. And I have to plan Bible Study, and I want to check up with people, and I need to study, and, Christ, it feels like there's just no time in the day for all the things I need to do.

Halloween's on Wednesday and I'm leading Bible Study. I have a test and a paper due the next day, so all work and no play makes Amy a dull girl ... but perhaps a smidge more successful. Wish me luck!

now and then

Last year, I was in Barcelona, hanging out with Irene.

This year, I was cooped up in San Diego, hoping to God that we weren't going to burn.

Needless to say, I'm very much alive, but due to the fire, we canceled an entire week of class. We're now behind, and it was both a relief and a stress. Now, I've got a ton of stuff due this coming week, so it's just go-go-go for me. Can't win 'em all.

Oh, and if that weren't depressing enough, "American kids, dumber than dirt"?

I really do need to make more time for blogging. :) I enjoy it so.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


San Giovanni in Laterano (St. John the Lateran)

Almost a year ago, I wrote this in my LJ:

All right, so I've been a slack at posting. We still don't have internet at the residence, so I'm using the internet at the study center. Talk about a pain in the butt. To that end, if you call me on Skype, I'll get it on my cell phone? So call away people, but let's keep it short, because my phone credits always run out fast.

Okay, so life has been crazy. Not too much drama, I suppose, but I have found that I tend toward one roommate more than the other. It's natural, I know, and this situation pales in comparison to freshman year at UCSD, so really, I feel like I'm doing well. I haven't been sleeping well, though, and everything that makes me stress out gives me a nervous stomach and I can't eat. Gah, I just need to get over these nerves. Right in the middle of my stay. Honestly!

That brings me to another thing. We have passed the halfway point. It's hard to believe that we have less than two months left, and it's equally hard to believe that over two months have passed. It's more surreal than anything else, and I'll miss Rome when I come home, but I don't think it's the love of my life. It's just not quite me, but hey, I'm working on it. There are days when I wish the world around me would stop ... but that's not going to happen anytime soon.

Anyway, midterms were this week. I had two yesterday, and there's one more tomorrow night. Then it's off to the soup kitchen. Thursday morning, I have a group oral exam in Italian, and then I'm done.

So ... the exciting part! Thursday evening, I depart for Barcelona! I'm staying for three nights with Irene, then on Sunday evening I depart for Budapest. In Budapest, I'm staying through until November 2, then it's off to Berlin for the last leg, then back home to Rome on the 5th. At ... oooh ... 7 in the morning. That will suck. Other than that, I'm relieved to have a break from Rome, as lovely as it is. I'm just so stressed right now, and I feel like I'm doing all right, but I just want to push myself harder, and I feel like I'm at the point of breaking. I know I can't break, and I know I just have to hold on and breathe, but there are those moments when I feel like I'm suffocating. Those moments pass, though, and I'm just back to being me.

Life is crazy. End of story.

looking forward

- bare: the album (buy it here on October 30)

- being done with the first round of papers/exams
- pie night with my bible study
- ballroom dance on sunday

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Multimedia message

Autumn in La Jolla

Saturday, October 13, 2007

awake and alive

From this summer, we went out for sangria ... and lollipops, apparently.

So, what have I been up to besides diggin' on that new Andy Samberg/Adam Levine track? I've been in school, that's what. Between work, school, and extracurriculars, I feel like I barely have any time, and for that time, I save my knitting. That said, my classes are pretty challenging, but I can handle them. This quarter (10 weeks, baby!) brings me Distributed Cognition, Neurology/Neuroanatomy, Intro to Int'l Relations, and Nationalism & Ethnic Conflict. A pretty full plate, with some papers, some tests, and a pinch of stress. Hopefully, I can continue to be productive and kick some ass with this stuff, but I guess I'll have to see.

Today, I've got a speed reading & comprehension class back at school. I'm hoping it will improve my skills for that grad school push a year or so from now. By no means will I be able to read all the material in grad school, but the more I can fit in and the more I can understand, the better my chances of success are. Apparently, yes, I am preparing myself for success, or so says my sister.

As for plans for this blog, I'm hoping to put together some thematic mixes ... especially for holidays, but seeing as that is a long way off, I have time to plan. I also have time to eat a good breakfast this morning. What a thought! I suppose I had better jump on that.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Butter-pecan thighs, anyone?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

endings, start again

I'm taking a bit of a rest at home right now, but tonight, it's back off to school for me. I already had one class today, and this makes two. Not too bad for one day, but it's more mind-boggling than anything else that school had begun anew. I know, for the people on the semester system, school is in full swing, and midterms are fast approaching. However, for the quarter system, school is inching forward, but in 10 weeks, things go quickly. It's scary, really.

On a less stressful note, I was in New York City this weekend. Here's just a snapshot of what went on.




For the rest of the photos, go over to my flickr.

More on this later, and observations about a cultural no-man's land. Because I'm too worried about getting to class on time.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

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Saturday morning in New York.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A license plate reading AZNJEDI just drove by. Well, I was amused.

Monday, September 17, 2007

dear god

Less than a week 'til departure and my nerves are shot to hell. I don't think I'll be able to eat on the plane if I'm this nervous this early in the game. Pray for me.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


I managed to give myself the worst blisters yesterday. Now I have to take it easy on my feet, so they'll be up to a New York adventure in a week. Oh, man, I could have seen this coming a mile away, eh?

Friday, September 14, 2007

curious and curiouser

Do Norms Reduce Torture? (Working Paper)

Trying to figure out what I'm going to do in terms of grad school search when I'm in New York.

Perhaps more to be added later.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Right now, I'm at work, and I feel ... rather void. I can't pinpoint the seat of my distress, but there's just this overwhelming sensation that something is missing. If I knew what it was, I don't think this would be a problem, but here I am ... wondering.

Things are just changing so fast. I think change makes me uneasy. I get into these funks every now and then, after all, and it's usually when something big has happened. We're moving stuff around at the office, so jobs are being redistributed, and I guess I'm just feeling left out. I'm the only student right now. Alas.

Bright spot: I'm going to NYC in two weeks. Master's shopping, yarn, and musical theatre. How could I resist? I really need to do some research, but hopefully I'll figure it out. Who knows? After a rushed double major and five years of school, I could be a crazy person, but I can't see myself in the real world -- not yet. In time, perhaps.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

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And a ... boat.

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Sunday, September 9, 2007


  • I am terrified of growing up.

  • I am 21, and I still don't know what I want to do with my life.

  • I am a self-diagnosed commitment-phobic.

  • I wear my heart on my sleeve ... sometimes with less than ideal results.

  • I barely cry anymore, but when I was in grammar school, it was second nature.

  • I want to travel the world.

  • I love my family more than anything, but when my parents are around, my sister and I fight like nobody's business.

  • I don't read my textbooks during the year, but when summer comes around, I read like crazy.

  • I still can't get over my perfectionist tendencies after all these years.

  • I have a thyroid condition, and I hate taking pills three times a day.

  • I tend to bottle things up inside because I don't think anyone else will get it.

  • I miss my friends.

Friday, September 7, 2007

for the record

Cool Things:
Ikea Hacker
Mosaic Table

Blog Ideas:
The "i" Generation
Signatures (Things Noticed)
Life, Upcoming
Grad School Search
Book Club
Autumn Approaches

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

a year gone

I can't believe that it has already been a year since I studied abroad in Rome (a Roma). Thinking about it brings back all those feelings, the growing up I faced, all on my own. There was nobody else to guide me, to take me step by step to the finish line. I was on my own. I feel that, in those four months I spent in Europe, I grew up more than I had in the past 20 or so years of my existence. It was time. Nobody else had stopped me before, from getting where I needed to be -- I just wasn't ready yet. Europe was a test, and I think I passed. I slept in a tunnel in Venice, rode on the back of a moped in Rome, explored Florence alone, froze my tail off in Budapest, and experienced snow in Berlin. I got a tasted for wanderlust, and now I can't just give that up. I don't want to stop moving now. I want to see the world, and I will. (It's just going to take a while to earn enough money. Ew.)

I just sent SMS's to friends abroad. I think it's the least I can do. I mean, after all, I was a lonely kid in Italy. (I often ate alone and rarely went out. Blame it on my unwillingness to compromise myself or risk wearing heels on Italian cobblestones.) I mean, every country must be experienced its own way, but every now and then, it's nice to know that someone from home loves you and is thinking about you. When abroad, I don't think I expected the world, but the little things, the sweet things (like gelato! ;)) were what stuck out in my mind. Things fade, but the knowledge that someone cares for you stays with you.

In essence, I don't actually know what I'm trying to say, but maybe it's this: show love wherever and whenever; don't let distance and time hold you back.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

the turning of the tides

It's September. More symbolically, it's Labor Day Weekend in the states, which signifies a change. For many, it's time to go back to school, to return to the daily grind from three glorious months of summer vacation. It's time to reunite with friends, perhaps to slip back into the most familiar rhythm.

For me, school has yet to start. We don't begin until late in this fall month, and that blessing allows me to travel just a little bit more. I've already been home this summer, and I traveled to Orlando, FL for the LCMS National Youth Gathering way back at the end of July/beginning of August. It seems far away now, just as the rest of the summer does. I am looking forward to my NYC excursion right before school starts. Yarn hopping and musical theatre. How does one resist! I know I can't.

Still, after that, school starts. School brings us back, but every year we're changing, every year the young get younger, and the old get older. At least that's how I see about it. I'm going to be in my fourth year of college. This makes me old! Oh my. Thing is, I don't know if I ever saw this coming. In some ways, I still feel like that poor little naive freshman who just left her parents for the first time in 18 years. In 18 years, I hadn't moved too far. In just 3 or 4 more I've grown stronger in so many ways. I've got life experiences under my belt, and I've tested myself and taken on leadership. I still feel lost, though. I suppose it's good that I don't know where I'm headed, but every now and then, I just want to know. We'll see where this year takes me. Hopefully, it's to a place where I can continue to learn, and by that, I don't just mean university. :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

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Blowin' in the wind.

Friday, August 24, 2007

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Somehow, this just fits.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

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Balboa Park

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God is a verb.

Friday, August 17, 2007

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Guess who?

Saturday, August 4, 2007

it's aliiiiiive!

Okay, well, I am, I think. It was a long July, and now that it's August, I am shocked that this summer has slipped by me so quickly. People are coming back, and things are changing. I'm still figuring out who I am, and I'm still trying to give my faith the upper hand. In a world where we are called to be faithful, we are constantly tempted to be simply of this world, rather than above it. That doesn't mean that we are, or that we don't fall, but that does mean that we strive to live as Christ lived, to live in him, with others, in this world of God's creation. We are called to follow Christ. We know where we are going. We have hope.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

losing my touch

There goes the sporadic blogging. I chalk it up to a pressing work week. Sometimes I feel like I'm wanted there, and other times I feel like I'm just a burden. I'm sticking with it, but sometimes, work is enough to make me go a little bonkers. It happens, I suppose.

I'm tired. And Kimi is here. Last night, I had my last night in the queen bed ... all to myself. Now I must share. I'm okay with this, but it's just not the same, I'm thinking. Oh well. Now is the time to be with family, no matter how diseased they may be. Or something like that.

Oh yeah. I went to the doctor on Monday. Definitely a thyroid problem. Yay me. Perhaps I'll be able to follow up this time, and we can come to a conclusion. I've been cut down an hour a day at work, too. it's not a big deal, but I'm rambling now, and I think it's time to hit the sack. Not that it'll do anything for my thyroid. Meh.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

it took you long enough

Well, I must apologize. I kept promising myself a blog entry, but it never emerged from my fingertips. I started a few, I think, but they just didn't materialize. I haven't blogged since school ended. For the record, I didn't fail any classes, but I know I could have done better. In face, for the record, too, I'm considering changing my major. It's not settled yet. On Monday, I'm taking the day off, and I'll be sorting out a few things, including a little bit of medical weirdness and the whole let's-go-talk-to-an-advisor-and-figure-this-out thing. That was a lot of hyphens.

In random, Fourth of July/Independence Day news, the 92nd Annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest went on, and the winner was Joey Chestnut. (Does it blow anyone else's mind that there is an International Federation of Competitive Eating?) It makes me worry about the state of he world ... just a little bit. I mean, I am thoroughly entertained, but a little nagging part of me wonders how much of that food that these folks consume could feed others. Just a thought.

Additionally, in more intriguing and possibly infuriation news (that is admittedly a little old), Scooter Libby's sentence was commuted. We can only hope that this is the end of the road. I have the bare bones of this case, but beyond that, I don't feel like I can pass strong judgment. However, I feel like he seriously put lives in danger, and because of that, he got a punishment that the court thought was suitable for his crime. President Bush did not think so. This I have a hard time comprehending.

Otherwise, not much to report on the Amy-front, other than that I have been working around 80% at my office so far this summer. It's fun, and, though I don't think it's the kind of job I see myself in full-time in the future, it's worthwhile experience, and I appreciate all of my co-workers. In the fall, I'll be working a lot less, as I'll have bigger fish to fry (namely, trying to graduate in 1+ years.)

I'll try to keep updating. Oh, and I read Schindler's List. So good! I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

the way were once were

I'm discovering that, though I thought I was over it, I continue to have unabashedly "fangirl"-esque moments. I thought I was over this, but I guess that I'm wrong. Oh well. Every now and then I'm allowed to be crazy, amidst all this trying to be mature. Heck, I'm 21. Maturity might have to wait.

totally f****d

Disclaimer: please do not watch this video if you are offended by strong language.

On to the video. This song is just ... well, watch it. I'd say that's how I've been feeling lately, albeit for different reasons.

In an appropriate addendum to this post, Mark Morford of the SFGate/the Chronicle has written a piece on the word f**k. Appropriate, indeed.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

good music for all seasons

Timothy Daniel's new CD, Wonderment, is shipping now! I can't wait.

Right now, I just can't get enough of Spring Awakening. It seriously gives me chills.

where's my heart

It's days like these when I wonder if I have the heart, the drive, or the stamina to finish this out. To succeed. To not just be "so close and yet so far." (Sorry Frankie Valli!) I want to be in the home stretch, but I'm scared. Just needed to put this idea somewhere. Maybe it'll light that desperate flame.

Monday, June 11, 2007

big props for spring awakening

Spring Awakening won 8 Tony Awards.

This is an amazing cast. Check them out! Seriously!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

tony talk

I should have better things to do, but I'm watching the Tonys. I caught the lead-up, but I have to wait for the rest because I'm on PDT tape delay. Bother.

Spring Awakening and Coast of Utopia took home the greatest amount of Tonys for musical and play, respectively. The show took a risk this year by having no host, but the only thing that could have made it better is Hugh Jackman. I love that guy. I also love the cast of Spring Awakening. They're a huge inspiration, and they deserved all the accolades they received. They probably deserved even more, too, particularly because theirs is a group effort with an amazing ensemble. This only solidifies my desire/need to go to NYC, stat.

First, however, I need to finish this paper that plagues me so. See what I mean about the doom?

Saturday, June 9, 2007

doom? sure!

Quick update: I need to finish this paper; I am obsessed with Spring Awakening; I need to study; I want to go to New York; I am considering a grad school in Political Science/International Relations; I want to move to NYC; I am excited for this summer; I need to stop doing this and get back to what I need to do.

I have a thing for impending doom. I have no better words.

Ohhh ... but my roommates are teaching me how to ride a bike! (No, I don't really know how yet, but I'm getting the hang of it. Next up, driving a car! I can't do that either.)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

hopefully, this is just an isolated incident

Today, I'm taking a break from my unwritten paper. (I procrastinated far too much.) I just wanted to mention this one little thing. Questionably intelligent people. In this case, I find it funny. I mean, it's history after all. My "Crisis Areas in World Politics" class once discussed the value of history. It's indispensable, but it's also often misconstrued as justification for genocide. History is much touchier than we give it credit for.

We had our last class meeting on Tuesday, for that particular class, and I find that notable because a bunch of us got up and personally went up to shake our professor's hand. He's an amazing guy, and his stories most definitely need to be heard -- especially now.

On a lighter note, check out The other sites just don't do it for me, but this one is downright hilarious.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

i don't remember growing older

It's the strangest thing, realizing that I'm 3 years out of high school. Even stranger that it's been 7 years since I was in middle/grammar school. That's a third of my lifetime away. I faintly remember think that it would be unfathomable to be in college, to be doing something with my life, yet, now, I feel as lost as I felt then. Some things change, and some things don't, I suppose.

This heady reminiscence would not be complete without photos, so, naturally, those have gone up on my flickr account. I have photos that span from senior year of high school to now. If I wanted to, I suppose they could even go back further. In these "old" photos, I see myself three years back, and I see a girl who had no idea what the future held for her. I could never have imagined then what I would be like now, and I'm glad that I never could. The journey wouldn't have been as challenging, interesting, or enlightening, and I know there would always have been something I would have wanted to change. There will always be those nitpicky things about my past that I wish I could go back and fix ... but that's my past, after all.

I remember vaguely when that photo was taken. We slept over at my friend's house the night of prom, and we laid the dresses out on the bed because we didn't want to wrinkle them. The picture is actually a recreation, because someone slept in the bed. However, that photo holds good memories for me. I sometimes wonder how people from high school turned out, how much we've grown, changed, and morphed into the people we are today. I probably wouldn't have predicted how we've turned out. I don't even know the people some of my friends have become.

I suppose that makes it interesting, that we're going to try to have dinner for the half-week or so that I'm back home. I'm trying to catch up with people through journals, but I know that I'm not very much in touch nowadays. I suppose that when I see them, I'll know. I hope we'll bring back the good memories and make some new ones. I hope that this time, maybe, we stay in touch so that we can see each other grow.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

random talk for a tuesday evening

That's it. I have to stop missing class. This is getting downright silly.

And you know what else is downright silly? There's a new pill out there, and its intention is to end periods. I just don't think that's natural! Sure, being a girl is a pain in a butt, but there are some things out there which I just don't think should be messed with that much. This is one of them.

I know, I can't believe I'm putting this after menstrual talk, but Apolo Anton Ohno won Dancing with the Stars, Season 4! I think he most definitely deserves it, and I know that it makes me entire family happy. See what happens when my family votes? Good things, people, good things.

Another unbelievable thing: this academic quarter is coming to an end. It's mind-blowing that it's 8th week, but I just want it to go faster. I don't want to say goodbye, but I'm tired of this already. I wish I could do well and we could just be through, because it's frustrating. My classes aren't bad or anything, but there's so much I'd rather do, I guess. On a class related note, my Poli Sci professor was feeling bad today and had to sit down. We were all worried about him, so we called the paramedics. It seemed like he was doing better afterwards, but he gave us a scare. The man is the product of history. Someone once told me that he's like Forrest Gump. He's seen everything: the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Holocaust, Communist China, Communist Russia, Imperial Japan. It's crazy. He's living history.

One of these days, I wonder what legacy I'll leave. I hope it's a good one. I hope people stick around and care. I hope I leave the world better than I came into it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

finding the one?

A friend and I were having a conversation about our attempts to find "the one." Not "the two," not "the three," but "the ONE." This, of course, followed stories of our various attempts (amusing, surprising, and downright mortifying), all in the hopes of finding someone who fits each of our criteria.

She mentioned a few categories of men, including "'object of my worldly lust' or 'that guy I kind of like' or 'he's kind of endearing' or 'oh my dear God I want you in multiple ways'." This got me thinking, what have the men in my life amounted to?

Oh, let's see, I wasn't properly kissed until I was 20, and even that, I would say, was questionable, because, although he was charming, he was an Italian man of indeterminate age who took me up to the Gianicolo (the Roman version of makeout mountain) and promptly proceeded to flirt and lay one on me. I had no idea what was up. I was naive enough to think it wasn't even a date! Bad choices. Luckily, that all ended there. In short, don't talk to random Italians on the street and don't take a ride on the back of their motorini.

The other rather inappropriate physical contact was at a Roman salsa club. A large, possibly Cuban, man started dancing with me. He was harmless at first, albeit a bit weird. He would try to have me put my hands on his face. This should have hinted me to run away. No, I kept dancing. That only made him think I was into him, apparently, because I kept turning away when I thought he was trying to kiss me, and eventually, he licked me! From collarbone to ear. Can you say "gross!"? Right after that dance, I ran to my friend and begged him to hide me. I need to start screening my dance partners.

Somehow, Rome brought out the flirt in me. Other than that, a guy I semi-asked-out turned out to be gay. He's a great guy, but I worry that every guy I like, even a little, will be gay. This worries me. Somehow, I don't think it's going to be a HUGE problem, because I have mostly Bible Study friends, but you never know. Other men, men I can't have, can be downright charming. And this, this perhaps, is where I get into trouble.

So, returning to the idea of "the one," I'm far from finding him. I figure he's out there somewhere, and until then, I'll have to be satisfied with wildly entertaining and embarrassing stories from my past. I think that what's most evident here is my bad choices. I need to work on those.

Friday, May 11, 2007

altar boyz!

I couldn't NOT post this video of "Matthew, Mark, Luke, Juan ... Abraham (he's Jewish)!"

You'll just have to watch it to see why:

I know I've been posting a lot of videos lately, but I'm having fun with it. I'm sharing stuff that I love, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. A note about this video is that I got to see this particular cast (the original cast) Off-Broadway in May of 2005. They are excellent, and this video showcases that. I mean ... I certainly can't dance like that, much less sing while I dance. It's impressive and funny, all at the same time.

pimp my artist

Because I just can't get enough, here's another video for your viewing/listening pleasure. This one I actually shot. It's Brad Wolfe and Megan Slankard playing/debuting their brand spankin' new duet "Hand in Hand" at the Cafe du Nord. It's not the best quality, because this was just taken with my regular camera, but it's a great song, and I highly recommend that you give it a watch/listen.

finally, something of my own

I took the liberty to upload the Altar Boyz medley from the 19th Annual BC/EFA Easter Bonnet in 2005. It's fun, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

the ghost of sleep

I have a problem. I can't wake up on time. I set my alarm clock and promptly hit it every time it makes even the tiniest beep. I don't want to wake up. And because of this lack of ability and lack of desire, I miss my class. My 11 AM class! I enjoy that class! How does this happen? This shouldn't happen! I should be normal, but no, I have a problem. It's time to take drastic waking up measures again. I need to go to bed earlier. Really. And I need to do my homework. And I need to focus ... and ... oh dear. My life needs one of those self-help shows or something.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

plays with squirrels

Squirrels can be kinda vicious. I mean, one bit two adults and a child recently! Pretty much, stop feeding the squirrels. They'll be the world's next seagull ... but at least they won't poop on you. I hope.

small obsessions

I admit it, I am addicted to certain TV shows. By this I mean that I will even sit through the commercials during these shows -- that's how much I want to watch in the moment, if you catch my drift. In particular, I've been obsessing about Dancing With the Stars. I mean, Apolo Anton Ohno! I'm most definitely voting for him ... and he has earned the votes, might I add.

Check it out:

Apolo & Julianne's Paso Doble

Apolo & Julianne's Samba

Both of these dances were really fun and really intense. I like the second one, because the song is "I Like To Move It," which I remember from Madagascar. It's all good fun. I wish I could dance like that ... and yeah. Enough babbling. Time to keep on not sleeping. I'll knit instead.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

growing older

The prospect of growing older scares me. I've got a wedding invitation atop my dresser that is awaiting an RSVP. My friends are getting married. All around me, there are engagement rings, smiling faces, and wedding bells.

And all I want, deep down, is to be a kid. There's simplicity in childhood, particularly in love. As children, we love boundlessly, and sure, we make mistakes, but we get right back up again and keep on trying. As adults, we withhold and hide our love. We shy away from our mistakes, and we are paralyzed by the fear that we'll get hurt, even when our chances are good. It's refreshing to see love reappear, but it's also scary. It somehow signifies that we're next, that as soon as our friends are engaged or married, our hands will have rings, too. It doesn't matter if we have boyfriends or not, but the prospect of marriage looms. In some ways, it's now or never, lest we are 30 years of age and unwed. Heaven forbid. See? It could be great to be a kid again!

However, kids these days are growing up in uncertain times. One of my deepest fears is that I'll be an awful parent. I worry that my kids will do things I never dreamed of doing, and I'll be powerless to stop them. But part of being a parent is letting your kids make their own mistakes and letting them learn their own lessons. I'm just starting to realize that, and perhaps, that is the first step that I'm taking toward accepting that I'm growing older, after all.

Monday, May 7, 2007

trouble sleeping

I haven't cried ... really cried ... in over half a year. I don't remember the last time I cried, and God knows that I really need to right now.

I was a sensitive little kid, and the other kids would always tease me, which would always make it worse. In particular, they'd call me "crybaby," which, let me say, doesn't help when the kid cries enough as it is. So, crying became my self-defense mechanism. Every time I felt threatened, I would cry, and most of the times it would get me out of hot water. It became a habit, and then, even when I wanted to be strong and to accept the punishment that I knew I deserved, I would start to cry. It got to be a problem.

I don't know when I stopped crying. I don't know why. It bothers me sometimes, like now, because I can't fathom these changes that have infiltrated my life. I can't explain them, and that bothers me, too. I don't know where the old me stopped and the new me began, or whether this is just a new, continuous phase that crept up on me suddenly and stopped me dead in my emotional tracks. I don't feel emotionally dead, but I wonder if I could cry again ... I wonder if I could breathe a little easier.

(By the way, that photo was taken on the road from the medieval town of Anagni to the monastery of Casamari, both in Italy. It reads "dolce sogno," which means "sweet dreams.")

Saturday, May 5, 2007

you are my everything

I adore this man. More specifically I think he is just cute and has a breathtaking voice.

I bring you Michael Bublé and his new single, "Everything." I hope you enjoy!

say no more

Avenue Q + Fiddler on the Roof = Everyone's a Little Bit Jewish

That is all.

Friday, April 27, 2007

what have we become?

Poetry, apparently, is dangerous.

It's sad that the first conclusion we come to is the worst-case scenario. It's sad that we automatically assume that a person is up to no good, based on what they look like, not who they are. It's sad that we make such awful first impressions.

Anyway, I was talking with my friends about colorblindness. If a child can't recognize colors, the first assumption that a teacher reaches is that "the child is retarded." Colorblindness usually doesn't even enter into the picture. Perhaps we're as ignorant about children as we are about adults. Perhaps we need to slow down and think it through before we make accusations.

Just my little rant for now.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

bigger than any of us


Sunday, April 8, 2007

buona pasqua

Happy Easter, all! I know, I really should spend time on the Christian aspect of this holiday, but I am just amused by chocolate bunnies.

So, my mother gave me a Chocolate Easter Bunny to bring down. I get to unwrap him today, and I figured I'd take some pictures and give him the all-around inspection. What I found was intriguing.

He looks like your ordinary, run of the mill bunny.

The nutritional facts state that he is one to be divided into thirds. What can I say? I have a hard time imagining a third of a bunny.

And if you still want more fun:

I got this from Cara, so go visit her!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

generation next

We're a strange folk, the teens and twentysomethings of today. Our lives are on display on the internet for all to see, and we are frankly unabashed about it. Personal information floats around like it means nothing, and we share a lot about ourselves with people who we don't know. Such is the fearlessness of this generation. At the same time, it makes us rather predictable, and when we reach middle age, perhaps there will be nothing left to tell. I would say more about this, but I find that two articles I've come across say it better than I could.

Wow ... it's ironic that I post it here. And ... perhaps we are just the generation of excess. Maybe I'll feel compelled to take on this topic at another time.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

no shame


The directions are simple:
1. Bold anyone you would shag voluntarily.
2. Italics anyone you’d shag after a few drinks.
3. If you wouldn’t shag ‘em at all, leave them alone.

1. Stephen Dorff
2. Wesley Snipes
3. Denzel Washington
4. Samuel L Jackson
5. Hayden Christensen
6. Ian Somerdaler
7. James Van Der Beek
8. Ashton Kutcher
9. Sean William Scott
10. The Rock
11. Brendan Fraser
12. Oded Fehr
13. John Hannah
14. Hugh Grant
15. Colin Firth
16. Liam Neeson
17. Daniel Day-Lewis
18. Leonardo DiCaprio
19. Billy Zane
20. Harry Connick Jr
21. Sean Astin
22. Dominic Monaghan
23. Karl Urban
24. Vin Diesel
25. Paul Walker
26. Joshua Jackson
27. James Marsden
28. Shawn Ashmore
29. Hugh Jackman
30. Will Kemp
31. David Wenham
32. Viggo Mortensen
33. Elijah Wood
34. Tobey Maguire
35. James Franco
36. Alfred Molina
37. Harrison Ford
38. Sean Connery
39. Shane West
40. Stuart Townsend
41. Richard Roxburg
42. Ewan McGregor
43. Jonathan Rhys Meyers
44. Christian Bale
45. Jared Leto
46. Colin Farrell
47. Ben Affleck
48. Josh Hartnett
49. Bruce Willis
50. Billy Bob Thornton
51. Dennis Quaid
52. Jake Gyllenhaal
53. Patrick Swayze
54. Keanu Reeves
55. Gary Oldman
56. Tim Roth
57. Steve Buscemi
58. Michael Madsen
59. Rick Yune
60. Pierce Brosnan
61. Robert Carlyle
62. Jonny Lee Miller
63. Jude Law
64. Matt Damon
65. Clive Owen
66. Ryan Phillippe
67. Benicio Del Toro
68. Johnny Depp
69. Orlando Bloom
70. Sean Bean
71. Eric Bana
72. Brad Pitt
73. George Clooney
74. Mark Wahlberg
75. Jason Statham
76. Edward Norton
77. Ben Stiller
78. Owen Wilson
79. Vince Vaughn
80. Joaquin Phoenix
81. Russell Crowe
82. Billy Boyd
83. Paul Bettany
84. Heath Ledger
85. Mel Gibson
86. Jason Isaacs
87. Alan Rickman
88. Kevin Costner
89. Christian Slater
90. Antonio Banderas
91. Tom Cruise
92. Ving Rhames
93. John Cusack
94. John Malkovich
95. Charlie Sheen
96. Kiefer Sutherland
97. Emilio Estevez
98. Rob Lowe
99. Matt Dillon
100. Kevin Bacon


So, last quarter, my friend Lauren did a photoshoot, and she invited a bunch of her friends to model. I agreed, and this is how it turned out.




I rather like it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

the daily grind

Well, I'm back at college. It turns out that my grades for last quarter are better than I could have hoped for. Two A's and a B+. I can easily live with that. In other news, socks are happening at my knitting blog. Other things really should be happening in general, like photographs, job searches, grad school searching and other cool things, but I am a bit of a slacker, and I still need to clean my room tonight. That'll be a nice start. And maybe bleach the kitchen sink.

I was excited that Roomie A had cleaned the apartment. It was so shiny! Now we just need to keep it that shiny. Also, I really need to stay awake for my upcoming class. Oh, who's thrilled about 5-8 PM? We'll see. But hopefully tonight I'll pick up my ballroom shoes, which came in the mail! (Hooray!) Then, I'll try to be productive.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

counting asians

Today, as I walked up Grant Ave. toward Columbus (mind you, I was a ways away), I walked through the "gated" entrance to Chinatown. A bit after I entered, I noticed some boys all wearing matching shirts. I then proceeded to walk past a group of them as one declared loudly, "That's the fourth Asian person I've seen so far!" I blanched and continued walking up the hill. The boy must not have made it to Stockton St. or something. Whatever. Race isn't really evident until you make a big deal about it. It's like getting asked if I was "giapponese" all of the time in Rome. It got even better when I heard "sayonara" or "arigato." I really kinda wanted to punch people, but I restrained myself and moved on with my life. That's what it is ... evidence that people can't move past ethnicity. Not that we shouldn't be proud of who we are; our ethnicity, just like our sexual preference or our gender. We are all these things, but I am Amy, and you are exactly who you are, not just some ... let's say, homosexual white male. Just throwing that out there. Don't worry. I'm a heterosexual Asian female, but I go by the name of Amy, so call me that, not "Asian" or "hey you" or whatever. I kinda like my name.

Monday, March 26, 2007

all things must have a beginning ...

I realized how much I missed this, this blogging thing. I'm not expecting much this time. If people want to read this, I'm thrilled. If nobody stops by, that's all right, too. This will be my space, I hope. I want to be myself here ... well, sans knitting, which is over at Knits from the City, my knitblog. I figure that this'll be fun, since I haven't used LJ in, well, almost forever.

Anyway, if you're out there, I hope you enjoy!