Tuesday, September 4, 2007

a year gone

I can't believe that it has already been a year since I studied abroad in Rome (a Roma). Thinking about it brings back all those feelings, the growing up I faced, all on my own. There was nobody else to guide me, to take me step by step to the finish line. I was on my own. I feel that, in those four months I spent in Europe, I grew up more than I had in the past 20 or so years of my existence. It was time. Nobody else had stopped me before, from getting where I needed to be -- I just wasn't ready yet. Europe was a test, and I think I passed. I slept in a tunnel in Venice, rode on the back of a moped in Rome, explored Florence alone, froze my tail off in Budapest, and experienced snow in Berlin. I got a tasted for wanderlust, and now I can't just give that up. I don't want to stop moving now. I want to see the world, and I will. (It's just going to take a while to earn enough money. Ew.)

I just sent SMS's to friends abroad. I think it's the least I can do. I mean, after all, I was a lonely kid in Italy. (I often ate alone and rarely went out. Blame it on my unwillingness to compromise myself or risk wearing heels on Italian cobblestones.) I mean, every country must be experienced its own way, but every now and then, it's nice to know that someone from home loves you and is thinking about you. When abroad, I don't think I expected the world, but the little things, the sweet things (like gelato! ;)) were what stuck out in my mind. Things fade, but the knowledge that someone cares for you stays with you.

In essence, I don't actually know what I'm trying to say, but maybe it's this: show love wherever and whenever; don't let distance and time hold you back.


  1. roxanne said...

    ahhh! mi manca romaaaa! and our spaghetti and haircut nights. come visit me sometime!